Okay guys. I'll be short and clear.
This is my computer spec and you'll need to know this.
Processor - AMD K6-2 500MHz with 3D Now! and MMX
Motherboard - A-Trend ATC5200M VIA MVP3 chipset (with AGP 2x maximum)
Video Card - ATI Rage 128 Pro 32MB AGP
RAM - 128MB PC100 Hyundai and 64MB PC100 IBM
Sound Card - Yamaha OPL-SAX
HD - Quantum Fireball 20GB
Monitor - 14' SPC with up to 1024x768
This is enough
This is my problem. I tested my video performance on 3DMark2001SE and I came up with a score of a mere 315. It sux. Sometimes the fps was just about 4 or 5 and the maximum I got was 15 only once.
Another pal told me that he has a K6-2 350MHz with a 128MB GeForce 3 and had the score of only 350.
This makes me think that the problem is in the processor's capability. But I don't think that a faster processor can give a good score all by itself. Can you tell me what's wrong here?
My future computer will completely depend on this benchmark. If you have a GF4 or Radeon 9700 Pro on an AthlonXP 2800+ or P4 3.06GHz, please let me know what the scores are. This doesn't mean that you are not supposed to tell me your results if you have a much slower computer.
So, bye for now.