K here goes
I'm not sure if you need to know how to install PHP or not, if so, I'll post that later on
Head over to
http://www.mysql.org and download the installer of latest stable release of MySQL for Windows. Run the installer, and if you change the path, edit the commands in here accordingly. Navigate to C:\mysql\bin\ and run winmysqladmin.exe
The app will open and prompt you for a username and a password, fill in the info with whatever you want, then to make sure everything goes smoothly, open a command prompt and run these two commands:
1: net stop MySQL
2: net start MySQL
it may be net stop mysqld / net start mysqld , if one doesn't work the other will, from member I can't remember which it is, leaning towards MySQL though, lol
No configuration is needed in the webserver for MySQL, so your basic install is done. Unless you want to get into fine tuning the performance, you don't need to do anything else for a local webserver or a small website.
The next thing you need to do is create a MySQL database to use for Invision Board. You can do this one of two ways, one is from within the winmysqladmin.exe program, which I don't have in front of me, so I'll go through the other way.
Open a command prompt, type cd c:\mysql\bin depending on the install dir, enter, then type mysql and hit enter
This should start the MySQL command line, from here we'll make a database named IBF to install InvisionBoard in.
Type this exactly: create database IBF;
substituting IBF for the name of the database you want to use, however make sure that the semicolon is after the database name, also, I don't believe you can use spaces in the database name, could be wrong though
After that's done, you can exit out of the mysql program and command prompt.
Download IBF and unzip it to your servers webroot or a subforum.
Open in your browser
This should display the Invision Board installer. It will ask for your MySQL username and password, which will be the username and password you entered in the beginning when you first ran winmysqladmin.exe , the name of the database, which is the name of the database you used when creating one earlier, and the MySQL port number, which you can leave blank, but if it complains, use port 3306 , and the IBF table prefix, which can, and probably should if you're a first time user of IBF, be left blank.
From there, it's just a simple matter of pressing next until the installer is over, it will also on the first page ask you for your board Administrator's username and pass, which will be whatever you want it to be, and when it's done it will put you at the IBF login page, where you will login as whatever you configured the Administrator account to be. You'll have links to the Admin CP from there, and from there, most of the options will explain what to do, but if you have any specific questions about anything post them here and I'll explain
If you need PHP installed let me know here and what web server you're running on, IIS or Apache, and I'll walk you through that too. Also, if by some chance of luck you are running Linux, then the entire portion of this for installing and configuring MySQL is for the most part completely invalid and I'll rewrite it again for Linux
Good luck bud, if you have any probs let me know