*Review: DragonsteelMods (
http://dragonsteelmods.com/index.php...&Ite mid=38)*
With so many things running off of USB today it's very easy to quickly run out of USB ports on your computer for all of them. One solution would be to not have so many things but that's not going to happen, so the next solution would be to get a USB hub to add a few extra USB ports to your computer. There are many types of hubs out there today and most are small, offering three to four extra ports, these are powered off of your computer and are usually very portable. Sometimes though we might need more ports than what a little portable USB hub can supply, let's face it we're lazy creatures and just leave everything plugged in, after all it's just such a pain to unplug something to make room for something else isn't it?! Anyway, when you get over three-four additional USB connections there then becomes a need for an external power source as your computers' USB port just can't power more than that.