Since the day the iPhone, which is locked to use on the AT&T Mobility Network, was released to the masses, people around the world have been trying to find a means of unlocking the phone for use on any GSM network. Some messy hardware hacks had surfaced over the past few weeks, but nothing the average Joe could easily do.
Recently, however, the guys over at Engadget received a call from the development team from They claimed they had a working piece of software that could effectively and easily unlock the Apple iPhone and wanted to prove it for all to see. After only a few minutes, the Engadget iPhone was unlocked and running on the TMobile network. Calls, text messages and EDGE data all work fine. Heck, with a little manual activation, YouTube even runs flawlessly. Of course, the visual voicemail feature is one that will not carry over to other networks since it relies on a proprietary AT&T system, but I think we can deal.
Check out the full article for pictures and video of the unlocked iPhone up and running.
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