Google has acquired GrandCentral Communications for an undisclosed sum. GrandCentral lets users combine all their phone numbers and voicemail boxes under one phone number. From there, users can set up their accounts so that the number can ring on one or multiple phones based on who is calling. Customers can hear voicemail online or from a phone and forward voicemails to others or post them to a blog. Users can also log into their online address book and then click on an entry to make a call.
On its Web site, GrandCentral said it was pleased about the acquisition because it would assure users that their GrandCentral numbers will be around for the long term no matter how many times users move or change jobs or phone providers. Google will continue to support existing users without interruption but will issue only a limited number of invitations for new beta customers while it transitions the service over to Google. GrandCentral listed one feature that isn't available following the Google acquisition. Although customers will be able to choose from a selection of sound files as ringback tones, they won't be able to upload their own sound files going forward.

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