With consumers buying high definition televisions in droves, the demand (no pun intended, really) for high definition video content has gone through the roof. After spending a decent chunk of change on these televisions, people simply want to take advantage of their purchase. While Sony and Toshiba are battling it out to quench the HD thirst via optical media, Verizon plans on taking a more practical approach through it's fiber optic internet and video service, FiOS.
In a recent interview, Verizon Chief Technology Officer Mark Wegleitner said the company has plans to combine HD video content and it's On-Demand service allowing FiOS customers to get their HD fix whenever they want. While no date was given for deployment, Wegleitner did say they were already testing the service in their labs.
Verizon's FiOS service is a big undertaking for the company. In an effort to get a leg up on other telecommunications companies that still rely on copper cabling, Verizon has dedicated over $18 billion to expanding their fiber optic network through 2010.

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cNet Read full story...
