Engadget reports:
It's been three days since Engadget spilled the beans about the
PlaysForSure-stripping FairUse4WM app and already Microsoft's Windows Digital Media Division is issuing notices to its PlaysForSure licensees regarding patching up the problem. It's a little difficult for the likes of us to decode, but check it out for yourself, we've printed the letter in its entirety for your perusal. From what we can glean, Microsoft's prepared to combat this "new circumvention tool" by patching the individualized blackbox component (IBX) in PlaysForSure either as a push down through the software, or as an update available in the near future to Windows users. We won't butcher the technical nuances of this one any further though, so we'll let you guys see what's what and figure out how to keep everyone in the Fair Use fair use loop. Continue At Source