BetaONE will rise again!

Old 1st Sep 02, 02:27 PM
ecperez ecperez is offline
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AS WE SAID last Monday, when Intel introduced its 2.8GHz, 2.66GHz, 2.6GHz and 2.6GHz Pentium 4s, a further set of cuts would happen today.
In fact, because of the US Labor Day holiday, Intel distributed these prices into that country late Friday.

Resellers have now been notified of the price cuts, which apply not only to boxed desktop chips, but also to notebook and server/workstation CPUs through its worldwide distributor channel.

Dealers buy their products in boxes, rather than trays, and because of that get an extended warranty on these parts. But there are some oddities in the pricing this time round. While a Xeon Pentium 4 2.0GHz chip drops, for example, from around $255 to $220, the rebate fell from $21 last time round to $4 - meaning the real price drop is only $19. Intel has chosen not to drop the price on the Pentium 4 Xeon 2.4GHz chip, which means a 2.4GHz Xeon costs two and a half times as much as a 2.2GHz Xeon. It won't offer 2.5 times the performance, there's no doubt about that.

There are also rebates on boxed motherboards, not listed here below.

The charts below show the ICR (that's the Intel channel "rebate" on the desktop processors, along with the percentage decline on the top end desktop processors. The biggest drop is, as we've noted before, on the 2.53GHz Pentium 4 using a 533Hz front side bus, which amounts to a staggering 62 per cent.

There are also new introductions, including the heralded 2.2GHz Pentium 4M and a 2GHz Pentium 4 "Celeron" µ

Pentium 4 Rebate Price Decline
2.8GHz 533 $18 New product
2.66GHz 533 $14 New product
2.6GHz 400 $14 New product
2.53GHz 533 $5 62%
2.5GHz 400 $5 New product
2.4GHz $4 52%
2.26GHz 533 $4 20%
2.20GHz 533 $4 20%
2.0GHz 400 $3 16%
1.9GHz 400 $3 6%
1.8/AGHz 400 $3 12%

The 2.0GHz Pentium 4 Celeron becomes a fact. Note that the previous Pentium III Willamette processors will now start to disappear from the marketplace.

Celeron 4 Rebate Price Decline
2.0GHz 478 pin $2 New product
1.8GHz 478 pin $2 19%
1.7GHz 478 pin $1 17%
1.4GHz PGA2 $1 17%
1.3GHz PGA2 $1 14%
1.2GHz $1 7%

Xeons/Pentium III-S

Xeon Rebate Price Decline
2.2GHz $5 15%
2.0AGHz $4 16%
1.8GHz $4 19%
PIII-S Rebate Price Decline
1.4GHz $4 33%
1.26GHz $3 17%

Pentium 4s
The 2.2GHz Pentium 4M makes its appearance.

Pentium 4M Rebate Price Decline
2.2GHz $19 New product
2.0GHz $12 45%
1.9GHz $5 40%
1.8GHz $4 43%
1.7GHz $3 29%
Mobile Celeron Rebate Price Decline
1.2GHz $2 17%

Source: The Inquirer.
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Old 2nd Sep 02, 06:54 AM
skloo77 skloo77 is offline
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why can't they just give it away for free for just this one time....

isn't it troublesome for their marketing people???
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