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Old 17th Jul 06, 02:59 PM
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Intel readies farewell to Pentium D
Core 2 Duo crossover happens in Q4

WHILE INTEL formally announces its Conroe processors on the 23rd of July, it is also preparing end of line dates for its Pentium D family.

The latest Intel roadmap seen by the INQ shows that the firm hopes to achieve a crossover position by the fourth quarter of this year, with Core 2 Duos replacing the desktop mix.

Intel has, in fact, several quarters to go before the Conroes, launched to rave previews last week, will become available in any real quantities. It does stand the risk of generating demand for these processors that it may be unable to supply in the short term.

That is probably why Intel has told its original equipment manufacturing (OEM) partners that there will be no price cuts on the Conroes at least up to November.

As we revealed in the last Intel roadmap round, the E6700 (4M will cost $530; the E6600 (4M $316; the E6400 (2M $224; and the E6300 (2M $183. Next year will be curtains for the Celeron D too, with Intel proposing to introduce the Conroe-L in the second quarter of next year. By this time, the firm will have ramped sufficient volumes to be able to release a cut down Conroe.

Before then, according to the roadmaps, Intel will introduce the Conroe 4300 - a 800MHz version of the CPU. It will introduce the business ready Bearlake Q chipset in Q2 of 2007.

The 23rd July also marks the effective end of the 960, the 950, the 945, the 940 and the 930 - these processors will have their prices reduced on that date to match the Conroe series.

But on October 1st, Intel will introduce the 3GHz 925 - with no VT included at $133 to fill a certain hole in the market, whatever that hole is. That introduction will be followed by price cuts on the 915 and the 820 to $113 and $93 respectively.

As we also indicated some weeks ago, the 661, 651, 641 and 631 will also have their prices slashed - for example the 661, a 3.6GHz chip, will drop from $400 to $163. The other 6xx chips will also fall to that price. It is an effective goodbye Vienna to this family - don't you go buying hundreds of systems using them this week. The 541 will fall to $84, the 531 to $74, and the 524 to $69 - there are bargains to be had. All prices are in 1,000 units. Below are changes to Celeron prices.

The INQuirer
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