It's that time of the week where we again look back on the interesting events in technology with the help of Paul Thurrott. As if you have anything better to do on a sunday morning, an Easter sunday morning at that! So from Paul and the staff of Neowin, Happy Easter! I hope you enjoy the day, be it with family, friends or own your own.
Here's two I selected from the article, follow the link below for the full whack: Moves to x64; Rest of Planet to Follow in 2010--Maybe
Microsoft will move its entire collection of Web servers running to x64-based hardware, with each server running an x64-based version of Windows Server 2003.
The company started making the transition back in March 2004, when the
x64 versions of Windows 2003 were still in beta. The company cites the
massive memory address improvements of the x64 platform as its primary
incentive in moving from 32-bit servers to 64-bit servers. If you're
interested in knowing more, Microsoft has published a white paper about
its migration, which you can download at the URL below. I think it's
fair to note that Microsoft is way ahead of the curve: Though many
businesses and individuals are indeed using x64-based PCs and servers,
only a tiny minority are running x64 OS versions. What's the hold-up? Relevant link
Linux Backers to Hold "FreedomHEC" During WinHEC 2006
one is too funny. As soon as WinHEC 2006 finishes next month in
Seattle, the Linux community will host a smaller, but I'll bet homier,
show called FreedomHEC. FreedomHEC will feature sessions about getting
hardware devices to work properly in Linux, the open-source competitor
to Windows. But the best news is that WinHEC attendees will be able to
get into FreedomHEC for free. My only regret is that it wasn't
scheduled at the same time as WinHEC, which would have been hilarious.
Anyway, you can find out more at the FreedomHEC Web site.
View: Short Takes: Week of April 17 @ WinInfo
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