Before I continue I'd like to express my deepest sympathy for America's bravest allies.
I know there must be deep hatred for the Islamic terrorists who commited these hienous acts but I'd like to point out it wasn't all that long ago when good hearted Christians lynched Negros in the name of God. Before this they burned witches in Salem. And I don't *even* want to bring up the Spanish Inquisition!
The point is, western (Christian) civilization grew up and eventualy figured out what they were doing was wrong. I get the feeling Islam is going through the same changes Christians did but they're just about 400 years behind the times.
This is why I think what George Bush is doing in Iraq is SO important. It's time to bring Islam into the 21st century. If we have to do it with them sreaming and kicking, so be it! But it's time for them to face the facts and get with the program. TERRORISM SUX! I offer as proof the demise of the KKK as a "valid tool of God".
It wouldn't hurt if the STIKING FRENCH and ANAL German's would help the US and Great Britain instead of running for cover.
Time is NOW to help the Iraqi people establish a 21st century form of government and break free from the shackles of hatred and fear. When thier neighbors see that the truth can set them free, their asses will follow!
Where are you Europe?