how do i make an .iso file. can i make it out of a .cue and .bin file combo, secondly how do i burn them with nero, im making a backup of something i own, any advice will help...
IIf you have the .bin and .cue files allready you can burn it with Nero. Start nero and close tthe wizzard or job creation page. Click on "Recorder" and then "Burn Image". in the file selection box browse to your .cue file and click "Open". Nero will open the job window with your selected file and ask you what speed etc- just select a speed and click "Burn".
If you need to create an ISO for another reason use an application like WinImage.
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If you wanna convert a .bin to .iso for whatever reason,you can use UltraIso or Bin2Iso converter......just be shure that the .bin doesn't contain a copy protection or a 2nd session,otherwise the conversion will give you an unusable image....