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Both Symantec and Kaspersky Labs have detected a backdoor Trojan horse program that can give an attacker complete control over a Pocket PC mobile device
Antivirus companies have been warning for years that viruses will afflict handheld devices, and the day has apparently arrived: Both Symantec and Kaspersky Labs have detected a backdoor Trojan horse program that can give an attacker complete control over a Pocket PC mobile device.
What's more, the antivirus firms don't have quick cures for PDA viruses similar to the data definitions they update for PCs when new viruses surface. Symantec and other antivirus companies do offer antivirus applications for mobile devices; the companies have previously tested such tools against viruses in the lab, such as the Dust virus developed last month.
But for systems infected with the so-called Brador virus, antivirus vendor Symantec recommends deleting the /Windows/StartUp/svchost.exe file in the Windows CE operating system and completely reinstalling the OS and applications.
"It's one of the first backdoor Trojans we've seen for Windows CE," says Oliver Friedrichs, senior manager with Symantec Security Response. "It's not really widespread. We've only seen one instance at this point. But it does show where attackers are going."

News source:
Symantec Enterprise Security

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