I have to leave you all for 7 to 10 days for beating up two police officers last june.
I have had to do this for quite a while, so I'm prepared and so is my family.
The officers conered me in my own house when I called them on my daughter.
I told them she was out of control so I neee some more help.
Well, 911 reported that I was speakinga forign language, and was very hostile.
My daughter is 16, beutifull and MOUTHY.
They assumed I was the problem and took me away.
I have a broken wrist and when they put the cuffs on, the pain made me insane-er?
So I fought like a caged animal and broke one oficer's nose, and broke one rib and bruised 3 more on the other officer.
I guess they don't like getting hurt, cause I only got charged with DV4 against them.
Oh well, I'm not allowed to own any guns any more, but I never had a need for them anyway.
Well, see you all in 7-to-10 days.
I hope to be back by next Saterday, August 14, 2004!!
Peace to all while I'm INCARSERATED.

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ADDITIONAL INFO: Well, I'm a free man again.
P.S. Will....Thanx for havin my back!