THE HEAD OF ATI'S PR machinery, a nice British lad, captured and currently held in the Canadian wastes, has responded to our story ( ) claiming that Doom 3 is dominated by Nvidia.
Our sources claim that ATI is doing something about performance on Doom 3 but that it hasn't done anything to its Open GL driver for almost a year now. The ATI lad confirmed these claims.
It's certainly time to do something about it as Doom 3 is close to materialisation and released in just a week. The ATI apparatchik told us that we could expect some performance boost with a new driver release but he was not specific when it will release the mighty Doom 3 driver.
There were no really significant games last year which used Open GL. It's scary that if we don't have people like John Carmack with Doom and Tim Sweeney with the Unreal engine we might lose Open GL to the extremely popular DirectX programming. Two guys have stood up to Microsoft. They like to make their games work on Mac OS and Linux as well and there is a market there, not big, but at least significant.
The good thing to know is that driver is coming and ATI might get closer or even faster then Nvidia, it would be safe to say that it will at least get much closer performance wise than it's able to do now.
The INQ!