[img]http://www.betaone.net/news/topics/office.jpg' border='0' alt='News Logo' style='float: right' />Microsoft have published Office 2003 SP1 this morning to OfficeUpdate. It was widely expected that Microsoft would release this small update at the end of Summer and without the usual fanfare of service packs. The update (17meg) contains significant security enhancements, in addition to stability and performance improvements. SP1 will update Access 2003, Access 2003 Runtime, Excel 2003, FrontPage 2003, Outlook 2003, PowerPoint 2003, Publisher 2003, Word 2003, Office 2003 Web Components and Office XP Web Components. SP1 also includes many performance and feature enhancements for InfoPath 2003.
Visio 2003 SP1 is available as a seperate download at the Microsoft Download Center. OneNote SP1 is on OfficeUpdate, as is SP1 for Project 2003.
Build numbers after installation: xxxxx 2003 (11.6255.6360) SP1
Office Update
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