Friday, Neowindex US visited Valve and toured their offices.
New Map. New Gameplay. New Medic Achievements & MilestonesGoldrush is an entirely new level featuring a new gameplay style called Payload.
The level is split into three separate areas with capture zones inside of each major chapter. The teams are split between offense (blue) and defense (red) similar to dustbowl.
The goal for the blue team is to push the bomb payload throughout the level until it reaches the next capture point, eventually destroying all three of the red teams major bases. Blue pushes the level by standing near it, and the cart will move faster the more people standing near it, which is a concept familiar to anyone who plays team based multi player games. If no one has pushed the cart forward after 30 seconds, the cart will begin to move backward until it is pushed forward again. This makes for some very concentrated and hectic exchanges indeed.
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