Anyknow know how to install mod_gzip with apache 1.3.
I have tried adding this to the very end of the config file, but not working:
LoadModule gzip_module modules/ApacheModuleGzip.dll
For Windows XP btw.
See web site says "Because of the reversed order of access to handling a request for all Apache modules, mod_gzip should be loaded as the last one of all Apache modules."
It is but not working. Tried first too just for the hell of it. Same.
Maybe it is working and I just don't know it. According to
"This site is not using HTTP compression, otherwise called content encoding using gzip. Consider compressing your textual content (XHTML, JavaScript, etc.) with mod_gzip or similar products."
Would like to get it working if possiable.
Odd thing is when I test my forum I get:
Congratulations. This site is using HTTP compression, otherwise called content encoding using gzip. The sizes reported here are for compressed content sent from the server to the client.
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