A student at a local high school was threatened with suspension after wearing an anti-Bush T-Shirt. The student not wanting to cause any more trouble decided that he would not wear the T-shirt to school any more. A "chief" at the ACLU is looking into the matter and commented that she hoped that a lawsuit would not have to be filed in order for the student to be allowed to wear his shirt to class. Their complaint, a student in highschool is allowed to have his own political oppion and therefore not allowing him to wear the shirt is a violation of his constitutional rights as an american.
As far as i can see, as long as the shirt isnt hurting anyone, then it is fine. It is not vulgar, and therefore should be allowed in my oppion. I am a Bush supporter; but as a famous quote once went,
"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire -
Since BetaOne is so diverse, i would love to have an open discussion on this.. a stimulating mind exercise, if you will...
And just a little side note, here is a great place for quotes: