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Old 17th Jan 03, 10:27 PM
GSD GSD is offline
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I was banned and purged here (715 support posts, try a search for Zonko or Zo.....nada...zilch) for writing an anti-saddam, anti-un, and pro-american opinion. All because a certain German citizen objected to a harmless UN flag with a red line thru it and saw fit to exert enough pressure to to cause the ban and purge. I was a mod at the time. Now there is an active thread running on the subject. Go figure

Old 17th Jan 03, 10:39 PM
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
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If I remember correctly, you quit..........

You're more than welcome back here if you wish, your posts should still exist here somewhere, just without a member associated with them, it would be trivial to reassociate your account with your posts
Old 17th Jan 03, 10:42 PM
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[quote]it would be trivial to reassociate your account with your posts

but then you denying the credit he deserves for so many he helped, that is not trivial, help is what we are about, and it's what helps make us good members, to call someone's post's and help trivial, then what are we about?
Old 17th Jan 03, 10:50 PM
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Zonko! You asked for your account to be deleted, then less than two weeks later asked why it was gone. I worked with Seph to get it fixed, but you said and I quote "never mind."

Now if you are still interested in getting your account back with your posts just say the word and I am quite confident that we can have that done.

Let us know what to do - and if you are coming back, welcome back
Old 17th Jan 03, 11:00 PM
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
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[quote]Originally posted by kamikazee@Jan 17 2003, 03:42 PM
it would be trivial to reassociate your account with your posts

but then you denying the credit he deserves for so many he helped, that is not trivial, help is what we are about, and it's what helps make us good members, to call someone's post's and help trivial, then what are we about?
ah, sorry, you misunderstood what i meant

i meant that it would be easy for me to recreate his account and link all of his posts to it if that's what he wanted....
Old 17th Jan 03, 11:04 PM
GSD GSD is offline
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trminatr ....I am not going to argue about what happened. Enough folks here witnessed what happened and will draw thier own conclusions. I asked to be de-modded, but never deleted. I will remain status-quo.

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Old 17th Jan 03, 11:10 PM
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Ok sounds good.
Old 18th Jan 03, 01:21 AM
unicorn unicorn is offline
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Originally posted by GSD/Zonko/Zo@Jan 17 2003, 10:27 PM
<snip> for writing an anti-saddam, anti-un, and pro-american opinion. All because a certain German citizen objected to a harmless UN flag with a red line thru it<snip>
I guess that is a way to put it Zonko. I also remember "faq the UN" and some other things.
I see no need of a warmonger here at B1. No need of UN-flags with red crosses. Then I have learned that others see no need of subjects like the one I linked to once (about a man who tried to, well, switch sex all by himself). As somebody pointed it out at the occasion: "There are several other places at the Internet to discuss theese questions."

Maybe you can do like me and keep to computer related stuff. That's the way to go as we all want to keep this place as friendly as possible.

(Kinda low voice, sober discussions at an international community.)

It would be good to see you around with your original nick. I'm too old to keep track of all the aliases...
Old 18th Jan 03, 01:46 AM
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[quote] guess that is a way to put it Zonko. I also remember "faq the UN" and some other things.
I see no need of a warmonger here at B1. No need of UN-flags with red crosses. Then I have learned that others see no need of subjects like the one I linked to once (about a man who tried to, well, switch sex all by himself). As somebody pointed it out at the occasion: "There are several other places at the Internet to discuss theese questions."

Maybe you can do like me and keep to computer related stuff. That's the way to go as we all want to keep this place as friendly as possible.

But it is comments like this that start everything, because he/ we have strong opinions about it makes us warmongers? I think not, people don't think before they react or respond. Just because views are different it doesn't make it bad it makes it us. There is more than just computers and tech going on around us, and you can't just shut your eyes to it, how do you think we got where we are in the first place, simple the UN turned a blind eye and pretended everything was ok and it wasn't.

Tell me the difference between the UN with the red cross thru it and radiationboys "bush sux" in my mind there is no difference it is someone expressing his views(political) and nothing more. The avatar (Bush Sux) offends me but I deal with it, no biggie his views are his and mine are mine, I am not a follower and refuse to be, I can think for myself. The people that cannot deal withit on their own have the problem. We are all different no matter how many want to make us all the same.

I don't read between the lines, I just read whats written.
Old 18th Jan 03, 03:03 AM
unicorn unicorn is offline
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Well, kamikazee, f-*-c-k UN wasn't the only thing there...

However, to me this isn't that big deal either. I was in severeal threads saying the exact same thing as you do. Then there was a massive opinion for deleting offending posts, strong voices rose about keeping B1 computer related only (ok, there is a joke section). I guess you remember what happened shortly afterwards.

If the situation is changed and a majority of the members are prepared to let everyone express any opinion about anything I'll be quite happy with that. Maybe a discussion in another thread?
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