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Old 11th Dec 02, 06:22 AM
Cyberion Cyberion is offline
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So far I'm working still on number one, but I would love a second opinion from someone. The text for this class is a book called "Top Down Design" is it put out by CISCO press. Thank you for taking a look.

Network Design
Final Exam: Fall 2002


1) In Question 2c of the second quiz you were asked to list a number of different kinds of circuits that could be used to implement an enterprise WAN. Please use this answer and expand it. Start with a listing of all the possible types of WAN links that could be used. Add to it a list of advantages and disadvantages for each type of link. Such a table should enable you to match the characteristics of a proposed link with the customer's technical and business requirements.
Now think about all of the kinds of links that can be used for a campus network. List all of the possible types of connections along with the advantages and disadvantages of each link. You should end up with two tables, one for WAN technologies, and another for LAN technologies.

A: There are many different yes of Wide Are network links, all in different shapes and sizes. There are typical residential links, which consist of dial-up connectivity and more recently that of cable and/or xDSL. There are additional forms of cable and xDSL services, but for purposes of this discussion, we will skip those. Though most recreational and corporate users would either a dial-up, xDSL, or cable connection, there are much larger capacities that can be supplie ?if the price is right.?
North America has a system of different tiers that yu can go on. Teirs are different levels of the internet infrustutre. The starting poin for NormAmerica is that Tier-1 connention. This consists of usuagell an in/out pair of bieber opeic cables. Capaciteies usually are expantial. Such as a T-1 connection, which gives the user 1.544Mbp/s of dedicated throughput, when a full T-3 connection has a slightly different connection/burst rate.

2) What are the evaluation criteria that you would use to select appropriate campus or enterprise links? Note that you don't have to make a decision here as to what's best. All you have to do is list the kinds of things you'd think about in selecting a link. (Hint: use question 1 to build this answer.)

3) Please imagine that you are part of a project team and the technical folks on the team have recommended the deployment of several expensive Cisco 54321 routers. (o.k., I made up the number.) You have no experience with this unit but the technical team assures you that it is the best choice for the job. Describe the testing strategies (note the plural) you would use for this unit. In other words, how will you confirm that it is the right unit for the job?

4) Let's extend the concept of documentation discussed in Chapter 13. Let's assume that you have accepted a particular vendor's work based on an RFP. The RFP follows the format of Chapter 13 and looks pretty good. What elements of the RFP will you incorporate into your permanent network operations and maintenance manual? What additional elements will you add to your permanent network operations and maintenance manual?

5) Your current manager is paranoid. She manages a collection of convenience stores and she believes that the competition is eavesdropping on all her data communications between the stores and corporate headquarters. She wishes to put the widest possible range of security options in place to safeguard her data network and all aspects of her communication operation. Remembering that she is paranoid what options can you give her? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? (Note that you don't have to give precise dollar costs: some costs may not involve money directly.)
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Old 11th Dec 02, 03:03 PM
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Hmmm now i need to dust off the ccna book. Lemme get back to you on this.
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Old 11th Dec 02, 03:27 PM
Zone-MR Zone-MR is offline
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Originally posted by Cyberion@Dec 11 2002, 05:22 AM
5) Your current manager is paranoid ... Remembering that she is paranoid what options can you give her? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? (Note that you don't have to give precise dollar costs: some costs may not involve money directly.)
Well, id reccomend the following options:

A) Psychiatric care to cure paranoia. Should be free. Quality and advantages will vary on location, and possible medical insurance...

Diagnosis of schitsophrenia. Perhaps all these governement spy contracts she is recieiving are all in her head.

C) Since the paranoia is related to computer systems, perhaps she suffers from some degree of technophobia. Perhaps placing her in isolation from computers for a duration of time could help.

D) If all else fails, suicide could be a plausible option.
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