Originally posted by Cyberion@Dec 11 2002, 05:22 AM
5) Your current manager is paranoid ... Remembering that she is paranoid what options can you give her? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? (Note that you don't have to give precise dollar costs: some costs may not involve money directly.)
Well, id reccomend the following options:
A) Psychiatric care to cure paranoia. Should be free. Quality and advantages will vary on location, and possible medical insurance...

Diagnosis of schitsophrenia. Perhaps all these governement spy contracts she is recieiving are all in her head.
C) Since the paranoia is related to computer systems, perhaps she suffers from some degree of technophobia. Perhaps placing her in isolation from computers for a duration of time could help.
D) If all else fails, suicide could be a plausible option.