The FREE PDF-XChange Viewer offers all the feature´s you would expect such as support of all PDF file formats from Version 1.0 all the way to the latest 1.7 (Acrobat 8). You might be surprised just how quickly your large PDF files open and pages smoothly refresh as they are scrolled.
Features:- Tabbed Multiple Document Windows
- Add Comments and Annotations to any PDF file (subject to security settings) - unlilke the Adobe Viewer which requires the PDF creation tool to be ´certified´ by Adobe !
- Markup pages with text and objects
- Type directly on any PDF page, not just Adobe enabled forms documents - in Typewriter mode.
- Export PDF pages or entire files to any one of the supported Image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and many more ...
- Extract text from a PDF page/File
- Make your navigation of large or complex PDF files both simple and enjoyable swith the extended functionality of our ´Loupe´ and the ´Pan´ Window tools
- And many more features such as Rotate and ´Save´, Email files etc ...
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