BetaONE will rise again!

Old 23rd Nov 07, 01:37 PM
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The One 'Feature' RTS Games Have and FPS/TPS Games Need
First Person Shooters (and Third Person Shooters) have come a long way over the last few years but they’re all still missing something. This something is only pertinent to multiplayer FPS games, but then again, what’s an FPS game if it doesn’t have multiplayer? This “feature” is something that all FPS gamers have craved at one point or another, at least those of us who play so much they actually think about the games when not gaming. There’s a slight chance that you know what I’m referring to already, but most likely you do not: I pride myself in being able to write an entire paragraph about something so damn cool, so damn needed and so damn obvious, without ever revealing it.

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