Those guys over at CNet really have it in for Vista, this time it's
Robert Vamosi suggesting that users that are waiting for SP1 to make the switch will be disappointed. In all fairness it lacks the flair of the SP2 release on Windows XP which came with new features such as a new Internet Explorer version and several security enhancements. SP1 for Vista is no more than a roll up package of everything released on Windows Update until now.
What Robert fails to mention is that a few
performance enhancements are also included in the update that significantly speed up the OS and are only available through Microsoft Downloads, which requires the Windows Genuine Advantage Check. Service Pack 2 for XP was a one-off, due to the repeated set backs of Vista, Microsoft were forced to include technologies already planned for Windows Vista, before SP2 Microsoft stressed time and time again that Service Packs usually do not offer new features.
SP1 will be a welcome update for those that opted to switch when Vista became available, performance and reliability have always been a talking point from the very beginning and I am confident that SP1 fixes those issues (even for those that have already
applied the updates)
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