If you've ever accidentally closed a tab in Internet Explorer 7 when you didn't mean to, then you will know how handy this IE7 add-in can be. With the IE7 "Open Last Closed Tab" add-in, you don't have to search through your internet history to find the page you were just on; instead, just hit "
Alt-X" and the accidentally closed page automatically reappears in a new tab. If you hit "
Alt-Q" instead, the add-in will display a Quick Tabs Style View, which is like IE7's built-in Quick Tabs view, but features just recently closed tabs.
Click on one of the thumbnails from this view, and the page will open in a new tab. This is one of those add-ins that you might not need all the time, but when you do need it, you'll be glad it's installed. The add-in is available via a free download from the Windows Marketplace.

IE7 Open Last Tab Add-on | 224 KB (Freeware)

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