Don Reisinger's rant over at CNet News it's now eWeek's
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols jumping on the
Windows XP Extended Stay bandwagon. I thought I'd mention that it's not unusual for Microsoft to extend its (OEM) support for older Operating Systems. It happened with Windows 2000, NT and all the 9x variants, well except for Windows ME (anyone remember that?).
Maybe, just maybe it has something to do with Vista Basic PC's? Because in all honesty Microsoft doesn't do itself any favors by releasing something that "looks" worse than XP on low end PC's. Add to the fact that XP has had 6 years to establish itself and became a very reliable OS after SP2 (Service Pack 2).
Windows Vista probably won't be widely adopted until the release of SP1 (and that is mainly in the business sector only).
This is standard practice.
It's only fair to mention that the
mass exodus to Windows XP was mainly due to the fact that it became the first fully 32 bit client OS after Windows 2000 which was designed for the business sector and not shipped on (OEM) consumer PC's. Due to the wide success and adoption of Windows 2000, XP was built on top of that very reliable kernel. Vista is simply an upgrade, whereas XP was a totally new OS. Upgrading now is not a necessity in many cases for consumers.
Anyway, enough from me, if you want another laugh click Read more to enjoy yet another "expert" opinion on Vista.
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