ComBOTS integrates rich media messaging, advanced telephony and reliable file transfer in one easy to use tool for PC and mobile. Simply drag large files up to 100 MB, hundreds of photos or folders with up to 1 GB of data onto a contact, and ComBOTS takes care of the rest.
MessagingChat, audio, videoclips, voicemail, photos, files, and access to all IM networks: ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Jabber. Use ComBOTS simultaneously on as many PCs and mobile devices as you like (e.g. office, home, laptop, mobile phone). All your communication is available on every device, seamless and always up-to-date, just as you would expect. You will never again miss a new message, because ComBOTS saves all of your messages using server-based storage. New messages are delivered to all of your devices and not just to a single device that happens to be online or enabled.
At the same time, your contacts can send you messages (containing pictures, files, ) while you're offline. As soon as you're online again, the messages will be delivered to you automatically.
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