G8 ministers are urging the private sector, including Internet service providers, information technology professionals and financial institutions, to help combat child pornography on the Internet. "
Because no child should be victimized in this horrific way, today we pledge to redouble our efforts to enforce the international fight against child pornography. Entities, including Internet service providers, information technology professionals and financial institutions the media, parents and educators, should be encouraged to consider what role they could play in the fight," G8 interior and justice ministers said in a joint statement.
For many years, the G8 has been working with Interpol to fight child pornography on the web. It helped set up the International Child Sexual Exploitation Image Database, which is designed to aid police in identifying and rescuing abuse victims. The database has helped police find more than 500 children worldwide, and contains more than 500,000 images of children being sexually exploited. Interpol has developed software capable of identifying crime scenes, which is difficult because child pornographers often distort faces to avoid identification.

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