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Old 18th Dec 05, 06:22 AM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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OEM Distributors?
Didn't know where to put this topic, so i will ask it here. I am an OEM Partner and System Builder for Microsoft. I own a small start-up company selling computers and hardware/software to the end user at a decent price (less than retail costs) and provide computer support to the end user at decent hourly labor charges. Now on to my question, I have looked over the microsoft website and they have MANY distributors, but I was wondering are there more? I mean certainly there have to be more computer part distributors that I could get a better deal from than the ones on that site, right?

I have a reseller certificate and have been in business for a little over 2 months now, I can't afford large volume purchases at the moment, but I do want do go directly to the distributor but I also want to use only the ones that will provide me with the best service (shipping and support) and prices in the industry with out me having to be a Volume Buyer

Does anyone know of some good places to start for OEM Distributors and Computer Hardware Distributors? OEM Software Distributors? I just need some advice on where to look and stuff!

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Old 19th Dec 05, 02:49 PM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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Alright here is who I am with currently, I do have a resell certificate i'm just waiting on the wonderful State Dept to send it to me again, as I lost it!

1. MaxGroup - Free sign up, just have to use a business name (make it up if you want)
As far as I know they DO offer deeper discounts if you can produce a resell certificate

2. WinTec Industries - Free Sign up as well, however you need a resell certificate (or have to fax one in within your first 30 days, or they will cut you off.

MaxGroup is good for Software (Microsoft, CA, Panda, Norton), and some LCD Screens if you like the MGC Screens they are 209$, they DO add $3 handling to ALL orders under $300, so if you order make sure its over 300, or you will pay $3 extra.

Wintec Ind. - Memory Manufacturer so they have good prices here also, they do free shipping when you order $1000 or more from one branch location so beware if they dont have it at one branch if they split ship it then you will pay shipping from both places. They insure all shipments and have 2 day service to anywhere in the USA (except our friends in HI, and Alaska). They have NICE prices on 19" LCD's ($256) and really nice prices on Harddrives just like MaxGroup, they offer prepay credit terms and NET Terms with a discount to start of 5% deeper discount off of prepay terms.

Having Prepay terms will put you right inline with newegg and tigerdirect, however you will need the free shipping to be compete with them. So if you are on Net Terms you could bet neweggs prices on alot of items. I am on Prepay

Anyone have any reviews of:

D&H Distributing
Synnex Distributing
ACL Micro

Any others?

If anyone wanted to know the reason why I even started this was I believe Dell is raping the end user on prices and I just want it to stop! I got a quote from dell for there ENTRY LEVEL 299$ computer which after you do some MINOR upgrades like harddrive (from 40g to 80gb$30 or 50$) and request the media for your reinstall (10$). And after shipping and tax the quote was for $554.23, and I can part the same computer out with no differences using the distributor and pay $449 after shipping. I just want the bad company to stop raping the consumer. Sure there is a $50 rebate with the dell but you have to wait 6-8 weeks to get it, and I just think the consumer deserves better, especially when I KNOW they can do better!

I know Dell has a good name and provides good service but I just think they are getting a little inflated with prices, ESPECIALLY when you order there XPS systems that cost 2200$, when you can part the damn thing out for 1450 from the distributor, or for 1750 from a local computer store.

I just want to help the consumer!

Last edited by PCTech : 19th Dec 05 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 19th Dec 05, 06:38 PM
cableguy cableguy is offline
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I have been using for a few years, you can get some pretty good deals there. If you pay a fee ( I think its 160 CAD ) you get a deeper discount.

I have ordered OEM's of MS OS's without ordering machines/parts and have always received them without a hassle.
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Old 19th Dec 05, 07:50 PM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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thanks for the heads up on ncix, i am checking them out. Your help is much appreciated!

Currently I am in talks with WinTec Industries, Bell Micro, PC Wholesale and Max Group to see about a better discount than the "normal" new account discount. I explained to them that I am just a small guy trying to service the end user and build computers at a resonable price all without breaking the customer but making a living at the same time. Max Group said they understand and were going to try to work something out with me but would get back with me soon. I have yet to hear from any of the others.

I will post when I hear from the other distributors....

I am still looking into D&H and AMax, but I have heard there prices are a "little" inflated.

Last edited by PCTech : 20th Dec 05 at 04:41 PM.
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