Just received this mail
Dear PDF Converter Beta 2 (B07) Participant:
Thank you for being a Beta Participant for PDF Converter for Microsoft Word 2003. We have received a large number of reports and requests, and have implemented many of these in the new Beta (B10) of the PDF Converter for Microsoft Word.
The New Beta (B10) Includes:
? Enhancements and Fixes:
- The conversion of a PDF can be canceled by using the [ESC] key; Text has been added to the progress screen to make users aware of this feature.
- Numerous issues have been resolved.
- Additional accuracy improvements.
? New! Windows Explorer: Added "Open PDF in Word" as a right-click option when a PDF is selected within Windows Explorer.
? New! Internet Explorer: Added "Open PDF in Word" as a right-click option when a Web hyperlink is for a PDF file on the Web server.
? New! Microsoft Outlook: Added a PDF Converter button to the Outlook toolbar, which automatically processes PDF files attached to the selected email message. If an email has more than one PDF attachment, a selection dialog box is displayed.
Please visit
http://www.scansoft.com/pdfconverter/beta/download/, to access the new Beta.