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Old 14th Jan 03, 10:26 PM
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I am sorry to say the U.S. over here does not realize the consequences if it does attack Iraq. As it is the Muslim world hates the U.S. for its double-edged policies and if the U.S. indeed attacks Iraq in the near future, this rift between the US/UK and the Islamic countries if going to grow further. All this will end up doing is bringing all the Islamic countries more closer to a jihad on the US. The Asian subcontinent as it is is on the brink of nuclear annihilation with the Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese and the now the N. Koreans possessing nuclear weapons.

The moment the US attacks Iraq, the entire Moslem community is going to turn on the US and its allies including Israel. Although Pakistan's Musharaf is currently supporting the US on its terrorist policies and actions, it won?t be long if a war breaks out that the Islamic fundamentalists and extremists in Pakistan should start a coup to throw out Musharaf and seize power. The moment they do that, their first agenda is going to be declaring all out jihad on the US and attacking their bases in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Although Iran may like to stay out of this war, they will have no option since the Ayatollah is most definitely going to also declare jihad on the US. Soon Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, and like it or not Saudi Arabia are all going to join in this holocaust.

With the extremists in power in Pakistan, it will be just a matter of time before these nuts turn their attention to their arch enemy, India. India has been tolerating with extreme patience, the infiltration and attacks by the terrorists trained in camps across the border in Pakistan and sponsored by the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence Service). Sooner or later, this patience is going to run thin and this moment will be the right excuse for India (and its pro Hindu government) to declare all out war on Pakistan. The Indian Prime Minister already has the capability to launch a nuclear attack on Pakistan if warranted at the touch of a button, and this it will just be a matter of weeks or rather days that he will do it! Pakistan will respond back with the same intensity resulting in complete obliteration of the Indian subcontinent. In addition to this, this war will spark communal riots all over Asia with Moslems attacking Christians, Hindus attacking Moslems, Jews attacking Moslems and so on.

Barring India and Israel whose majority population are Hindus and Jews respectively, most of the countries in Asia except China are densely populated by Moslems which S.E.Asia and the Middle East. As if this is not enough, we already have a lot of terrorist activities in the Philippines, Malay and Indonesia. With Australia already on full alert again these elements, it will again be just a matter of time before Australia takes some forceful action against these terrorists.

I can keep going on and on....but I think most of you will realize what I am talking about. We are talking about a complete nuclear holocaust over here if any sort of World War 2.5 or 3 (Who the faq cares what fucking World War number it is) happens! We have to be concerned about another really really big number .........2 billion plus....PEOPLE who live in the Asian subcontinent. They won't have any future since they are all going to be DEAD!!!!!
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Old 14th Jan 03, 11:23 PM
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
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I've gotta agree with you... I was just listening to a story on the news saying that Bush was threatening Iraq and Sadam saying that he hasn't seen any proof that Iraq did not have an arsenal of nuclear / chemical / biological weapons, which is absurd, the UN inspectors are still to my knowledge inspecting things over there, have not been barred from entering anywhere, including palaces, and have found nothing as of yet....

WTF is bush's problem? my personal theory I've had since this entire mess got started is that he feels like he has to finish the job his daddy didn't. I may be right, I may be wrong, but it's still BS.

If war breaks out in the middle east, not only is it going to have the implications of a huge loss of life, there will economic crisis the world over as well. Taiwan, India, and lots of other countrys in southeast Asia and the middle east produce a lot of goods, everything from cloths to electronics. If they all blow each other up with nukes, then you can kiss all of that goodbye.

It's a really sad world that we live in. I don't agree with war or violence in any means at all. It's like the old saying goes, can't we all just get along?
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Old 14th Jan 03, 11:23 PM
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You certainly make some interesting points. But there are many points of view on this subject, yours only being one of many.

I agree that the "domino effect" you speak of could happen - and quite easily for that matter. But we have to remember a few key points... Saddam is in most peoples opinion insane. He has had 11 years to comply with UN requests and constantly bullshits the world to buy more time. What is he buying the time for is the question we should all be asking.

There is no doubt in my mind that Iraq has something to do with terrorism in our world. If taking him and his backwards country OUT with whatever means are necessary, then I say do it, and do it swiftly. And after we are done with them move on to the next threat and make our demands known. I have 3 children, and I would rather die fighting than have them live in fear of these backward freedom hating countries.

I say do it before they buy enough time to do serious damage to lives and property in the free world.
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Old 14th Jan 03, 11:34 PM
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another point to this is the oil supplies in Iraq, which is where the US gets a majority of their oil from.....

and the domino effect... that's exactly what happened in world war one and two, an austrian prince was assasinated by a serbian nationalist, austria was allied with hungrary, they declared war on serbia, nations in europe had been creating alliances with each other for 20 years before this point, when the austrian prince was killed all hell broke loose and it drug most of the european and asian continents with it
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Old 15th Jan 03, 04:43 AM
2dee 2dee is offline
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pretty good analysis Big POPPA Pump.


about the "backward" country:

?Just a decade ago, Iraq boasted one of the most modern infrastructures and highest standards of living in the Middle East. The world?s second largest oil producer, it had in recent decades used oil revenues for ambitious projects and development programers, as well as to build one of the most powerful armed forces in the Arab world. It had established a modern, complex health care system, with giant hospitals built on Western models and using the latest equipment. It had constructed sophisticated water-treatment and pumping facilities. It had an extensive school and university system.?
taken from: Iraq, A Decade of Sanctions, Special Report, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

DEVELOPMENT. In general terms, Iraq has once again become a poorly developed country. In 1990, it ranked 55th on the scale of the Human Development Index (HDI) established by the UNDP; in 1995, it had fallen to the 106th rank, and in 2000 to the 126th rank.
taken from:

i cant see them be a backwards country before nato bombed them to stone age...
and talking about "taking him and his backwards country OUT with whatever means are necessary"... i ask: what makes you better than a terrorist then? isnt this the same words i hear from bin-laden on cnn?
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Old 15th Jan 03, 06:23 AM
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As far as I am concerned any country that is interested in exploiting freedom is a backward country. Any country that shoots anyone dead that tells a truth about the government is backward. And lastly any country that actively supports terrorism is a backward country.

Just because a country has the means to build super hospitals and schools does not make it a tech country. That only means that the oil has made them rich which has given them the means to do such things.

Interesting how they have (or had) this great infrastructure but cannot seem to be able to feed and look after thier own population. Also interesting is the fact that thousands of years have passed and these countries still cannot seem to reach a common peace. Enough is enough. Do whatever is necessary, and secure the majority of the population that wants to be able to bring up thier kids without some retard terrorsit making threats.

As for the USA and allies making threats let me tell you this. The world as a whole is free. And I think a grave mistake could be made by allowing dicators to grow while we stand by and watch.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 15th Jan 03, 04:34 PM
MinnesotaKid MinnesotaKid is offline
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I appreciate the thoughful comments in this thread. I see good points on all sides. I personally think that if Iraq poses a threat, we need to deal with it. But my opinion is no more valid than any other is. See, I'm no expert, but this I know for sure:

There have been more wars, death, destruction, and misery caused in the name of RELIGION than ANY other reason in the history of mankind.

All this talk about Jihad this and Jihad that. I haven't believed in a god for over 10 years, so my point of view is that all of this is rather silly.

If the Muslims want a war, then I suppose my country will give them one. It doesn't matter who starts it. War is fought mutually. Millions and perhaps billions will die, but that hasn't stopped humanity before. We dispose of life as if it were the daily trash.

Sorry if I sound a little depressed. It's more of a sad resignation as to the inevitable. I don't think humanity will survive this century. We treat our planet like a garbage dump and each other even worse. In the end, there will be no one left to blame or place blame. It will just be ... over. Well, maybe that's is for the best. When the nukes hit, I just hope I go quick.

I've always wondered if there is life on other planets and if they fear us. Well, obviously not. They're probably sitting there laughing and say "Shit, what a fucked-up planet that is. They even kill there own kind. And for what? God? Oil? Petty vengence? How stupid is that!"

I don't know any board member personally, but I would say this to you all: Live and love each day to the fullest, because tomorrow is NOT a guarantee!

Peace out
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Old 15th Jan 03, 04:48 PM
FreeUS FreeUS is offline
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Bad mood warning...
I don't care a f*$% if U.S. start a war in middle east...
I don't live in U.S. , I dont live in middle east and I don't live in Europe.... I Even more I don't live on that hemisphere...
So I dont care a f*$%....
Why this bad mood?... Ask to Cactus...
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Old 15th Jan 03, 09:13 PM
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FreeUS check your pm
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Old 15th Jan 03, 09:20 PM
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Originally posted by FreeUS@Jan 15 2003, 10:48 AM
Bad mood warning...
I don't care a f*$% if U.S. start a war in middle east...
I don't live in U.S. , I dont live in middle east and I don't live in Europe.... I Even more I don't live on that hemisphere...
So I dont care a f*$%....
Why this bad mood?... Ask to Cactus...
To be honest, I don't give @#$% about Middle East. It's a shithole anyway, the wrost place on earth. Just look at the the Isralies and Palestians conflicts. When it is going to end? Until every single Arab or Jew dies?

Sorry for my strong language. Just sick of hearing Middle East.
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