MagneticSoft today announces the release of Folder Castle 3.0, a Windows security tool for protecting computer files from snoops and thieves at home, office and on the road. In version 3.0, users will discover a new interface of the control center that enables fluid navigation through the program, letting users access any destination in a mouse click.
Of all the threats to your computer privacy, people who have a physical access to your system are the most dangerous. An up-to-date antivirus can prevent from viruses, a firewall can stop hackers but what can stop someone who knows your account login from accessing your computer and seeing a folder with the files you don't want others to see? To protect yourself from snoops, you need proactive data protection. Folder Castle gives you the confidence to keep your personal files hidden and password-protected on the computer without fear that a family member or a co-worker can view or use them when you're not around.
Folder Castle employs two methods of data protection. First, you can hide a folder so that the snoop doesn't even suspect there is something hidden away from him. Second, you can put a folder into a secure storage, which acts as a mountable virtual drive where you can drag and drop files and have them encrypted with instant 256-bit AES encryption. A valid password is required to access files in the secure storage or unhide files. Once protected, computer files cannot be seen in Windows even if it's rebooted in Safe Mode. Folder Castle itself can be hidden away without traces if you enable the Stealth mode.
Snoop proof your data for home, office and travel today - Folder Castle 3.0 makes it easy!

Folder Castle 3.0 (1.79 Mb) Shareware, $29.95 per license

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