wxFormBuilder is an open source WYSIWYG GUI design tool for
wxWidgets. See the
Features page for a small list of what wxFormBuilder has to offer. This is a large release that has many updates, added features, and bug fixes. The change log is huge so read it at your leisure. Thanks to all who helped test wxFormBuilder, we really appreciate it. This program is available for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista, along with Linux and MacOSX.
* FS#349 - “RC8 menu editor still generate incorect menu item code”
* FS#345 - “Crash on Mac OS X when loading plugins”
* Fixed crash on close when showing a propgrid from the wxAdditions plugin
in the Designer window.
* FS#351 - “Can’t edit choices if the ‘\’ is used”

Download (Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX)

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