BetaONE will rise again!

Old 15th Jan 08, 12:22 AM
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NewsBot will become famous soon enough
FeedDemon enables you to read RSS feeds from your desktop, so you can browse information from dozens - or hundreds - of web sites without having to visit them to find out what's new. In FeedDemon, news items (articles) are displayed in newspapers for easy reading. When you find a news item of interest, you can copy it to a clippings folder for future reference. Clippings provide a very simple way to store items from different feeds in one location, making them a great tool for researchers. FeedDemon can also watch for items in RSS feeds which contain specific keywords, alerting you to stories of interest. For example, football fans could ask FeedDemon to watch for items about their favorite teams, or investors could watch for stories about companies in which they own stock.

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