It's been a while since we've run a story based on those online retailers jumping the gun and revealing an as yet unannounced title, so here goes nothing. Amazon's US website is listing Gears of War 2 for a November 15 release, 2008 on Xbox 360. Now Microsoft or Epic haven't officially announced a sequel but even the man in the corner shop knows it's coming. The fact that Amazon has listed the date as Nov 15 means that someone there knows a bit about video games, as the original launched around the same time in 2006 depending on where you live.
Two years for a sequel is plenty of time thesedays. We're actually going to raise our expectations because of this and not expect 'more of the same'. Epic will have had plenty of time to plan accordingly. Fingers crossed Microsoft and / or Epic announces Gears 2 soon. You can read about more unannounced 360 games that we know are coming in this feature.

News source:
ComputerAndVideogames Read full story...
