ImmunizeNOW! Doesn't scan for and clean spyware infections - it prevents / Immunizes against Spyware being
installed in the first place. ImmunizeNOW!
prevents the installation of
ActiveX-based spyware,
adware, dialers, browser hijackers and other pontenially unwanted programs.
ImmunizeNOW! offers superior protection against
ActiveX threats, and goes even further then
ActiveX threats, it offers also superior database used for
Restricted Sites - Domains, Restricted
Sites - Ranges, and blocks for
Why ImmunizeNOW!?Average Anti-Spyware software is designed to clean the infections, but ImmunizeNOW! immunizes /
prevents, prevents retrieval of malicious code while you browse the web and running applications. And
possible infestations of malicious ActiveX components are denied from being loaded, domains and
ranges immunities blocking and protecting you from whole scale of different threats varieties known to be
distributed across the domains and ranges. Tracking cookies are blocked, and finally now
happy surfing begins.
ImmunizeNOW! approach is to use windows own environments to provide best possible effective
protection, ImmunizeNOW! does not need to be launched every time windows loads, ImmunizeNOW!
does not need to be in the background to protect.
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