Test System: Windows Vista Premium, A64 3200+, 2GB DDR-3200 RAM, AMD/ATi x1950xt 256MB, ASRock 939Dual-SATA2Sweat runs slowly down my head as I sprint down the cratered highway, my attention solely focused on reaching the next point of cover. Suddenly, bullets slam into one of my squad-mates like angry lead bees, whizzing through the air next to my head; I feel warm blood splatter onto my face as his scream ends in a sickening gurgling noise: blood has filled his esophageal tract. He falls heavily onto the dry cracked earth below our boots.
“Grenade!” yells a voice right by my ear, and the men in my squad scatter like dust in the wind, finding cover just moments before shrapnel shards tear through the car we had been hiding behind. Three RPG-7 rockets streak through the air, leaving winding smoke trails in their wake. I look up just in time to see the fourth projectile flying straight towards my chest. Half a curse leaves my lips, and then…darkness.
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