Neowin has many different services that may not be immediately obvious to our visiting guests or members.
Neowin Live Messenger Alerts & NewsletterClicking
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Subscribe to our newsletter here.
Neowin MobileNeowin also has a
mobile version of the main news, and we are currently working on a iPhone compatible version that renders not only on the iPhone but many more hand held devices. Neowin in its current form does not render at all on Smartphones, but we are working on an update that is more compatible or automatically goes to the mobile version of the site.
Registration @ NeowinAs a guest, Neowin offers no less than a full service with the exception of some off-topic forums which are hidden for guests and the ability to post comments or join in the discussions on our forum. Registering allows you to post and view the off-topic forums, it's free and takes only a few minutes to complete and verify your valid email.
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