The ultimate utility for tweaking and getting the most out of Windows Vista performance is here! TweakVista allows users to modify many hard to access or hidden system settings to increase the performance of Windows Vista. The program was designed for both casual and power users to easily, and safely use it without fear of causing damage as the changes are easily reversible.
For the "greener" users, TweakVista includes a new Carbon Footprint feature which shows both the carbon footprint and estimated running costs of your PC. TweakVista also uses the powerful Vista assessment features to give users a thorough benchmark of their systems.
More features include:
- Security Handling: Users can now easily and safely adjust the way Windows handles security prompting including the new UAC (User Account Control).
- Memory Optimization: TweakVista knows which start-up services different types of users will typically use and offers recommendations on what services to disable. Users can easily switch between different profiles (including the default) based on their needs to maximize performance and memory use.
- Resource Control: Tweak Vista has several features for keeping an eye on and flagging programs that use excessive amounts of resources (memory, CPU, or system handles) as well as integrating seamlessly with built in hardware diagnostic reports.
TweakVista is available stand-alone, or as a part of the Object Desktop suite.

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