Burn the heretics
SPIRITUAL AND temporal head of Apple, Steve Jobs has attacked Greenpeace for spreading FUD about his wonderful entertainment gizmos.
Greenpeace has consistently listed Apple as one of the least green computer outfits in the world for not being a leader in removing toxic chemicals from its new products, and for not aggressively or properly recycling its old products.
Apple has always denied this and ordered Greenpeace out of Apple conferences, but now faces the embarrassment of a shareholder revolt on the matter, which is a little more serious.

In a letter on the Apple website, Jobs says that it is clear that Apple has failed to communicate the things that it was doing well.
He said that this is mostly because Apple does not tell anyone what it is planning and just talks about the things it has done.
Normally this would mean that Jobs is admitting that Apple has done nothing, however the letter says taht Apple is planning to become greener, honest guv.
Jobs points out that Apple removed a high amount of lead from its products was by eliminating the use of CRTs in mid-2006. Of course its removal was all to do with being green and nothing to do with the fact that Apple designers couldn't think what they would do with the huge out-of-date CRT screens.
Apple, said Jobs, also had to follow EU guidelines about restricting toxic substances in electronic products. Since the EU guidelines were tougher than those in the US and Apple met them early, that means that Apple is green.
Moving iMacs to Arsenic and Mercury free LED backlighting this year will completely eliminate the use of arsenic in all of its displays by the end of 2008.
It is worth pointing out however that much of Job's "Green Apple"
statement is based on future promises. Greenpeace however alleges Apple needs to fix things now.
The INQuirer