Image detection processors have initially been deployed for facial recognition in security applications. NEC is among the first of the electronics manufacturers to apply image detection to the automotive industry for accident prevention. The first of the NEC IMAPCAR image detection chips will be installed in the soon to be released upmarket Toyota Lexus LS460 sedan. The high cost processors have the capability of detecting people, animals and other cars that are on a collision course with the vehicle and automatically applying the brakes to prevent impact. What is not entirely clear, however, is how the technology works in cases where braking is not the best option and swerving is safer. Also unclear is where the technology draws the line between what is an acceptable risk to the occupants of the vehicle by braking hard to avoid hitting say a small animal. NEC aims for its image detection technology to become the standard for the global automotive industry within the next 10 years. News source: iTWire Read full story...

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