A San Francisco-based e-mail security company, Cloudmark, has said that it has seen 2 attacks this week. Both attacks consisted of spammed messages which warns of a problem with a bank account and instructs the recipient to dial a phone number to resolve it. The caller is connected to a voice response system that is made to sound exactly like the bank's own system, Cloudmark said."The phone system identifies itself to the target as the financial institution and prompts them to enter account number and PIN," Cloudmark said. "The result can be personally financially devastating," Adam O'Donnell, the senior research scientist at Cloudmark, said in the statement.Phishing scams are prevalent and continue to proliferate. In traditional scams, miscreants try to pilfer personal information by sending spam e-mail with links to a malicious Web site, crafted to look like a site belonging to a trusted service provider. The phone scams are a new twist, made possible by cheap Internet-based telephone services, Cloudmark said.Antispam technology can block the e-mail scams, Cloudmark said. The company urged people who do receive the messages to notify their service providers immediately. As a precaution, people should not dial phone numbers received in an e-mail message and should double-check and dial the numbers printed on ATM and credit cards instead, it advised. News source: CNetRead full story...

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