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Old 3rd Aug 05, 11:39 AM
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Do You Own A Pet?
Do you own a pet?

Just for fun I'd like to know what kind of pet/pets you own and their name.

I'll start...

We have a cat named Midnight, I named him Midnight because he looks just like a cat I grew up with as a kid named Midnight. We have had him since he was a kitten, he cost $5 before the $200 we spent at the vet. We had all his claws taken out & had his treasure box locked. He's about 3 years old now.

We have a dog named Daisy, he was a stray that found us while we were in our backyard and he was abused when he found us. He had baseball size knots of hair and a dog collar that was so tight around his neck he was bleeding. He looked such a mess, we mistakenly thought he was a girl and my wife named him Daisy after a dog she had growing up. After not finding his owner over several days we decided to have him cleaned up and keep him. After calling him Daisy for days, both the kids and I, we decided to just keep his name as Daisy. He already answered to it by now so we couldn't change it. We have had him a little over a year now and I guess he's 6 - 7 years old. He's a springer spaniel.

Our most recent pet is a house gecko named booger, he is small, green and brown just like boogers. I'd really like to get a crested gecko, but they cost $80.00 vs. the house gecko at $10.00 each. I'm not so sure how long this house gecko will stay alive with the kids so a $10 gecko is fine for starters.

Now it's your turn...

Last edited by KingCobra : 3rd Aug 05 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 3rd Aug 05, 03:34 PM
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Hello all

I've got a Rottweiller puppy who turned 5 months today. He's incredibly naughty, but a great family dog.
I'm taking him for obedience, and attack training next month. He's fantastic, but a real monster. he he he

Here's a pic:

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Old 3rd Aug 05, 09:33 PM
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I think Gus has a pet erm... ummmm....gerbil. Although I haven't talked to him in a while...


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Old 3rd Aug 05, 11:05 PM
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My only pet besides my lovely wife was a German Sheperd named Simbad. He was a gem and I think the pain of our parting embittered my wife forever to having another pet. My only pet before our marriage was my smoked persian cat who I lived with for 18 yars and was more like a dog than a cat. His given name was Circus, but I always called him "Cat". He slept on my bed each night, went hunting each night and was my best friend 'till I left home at 19 to join the US Army. I could only play with him if I put on heavy leather long gloves, otheriwise I was toast.

My sister in law's cat is named Numa, Roman origins. My kid sister has 20 cats and I wouldn't be able to name them all here.

Last edited by rikytik : 3rd Aug 05 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 4th Aug 05, 05:56 AM
war59312 war59312 is offline
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Have two yellow labs. Had a black lab, 15 years old, but she died a week after my birth day two years ago. So three years in about two weeks.

Also, have two cats. Dont know breed. And brother has a huge lizard thing.

And my mother has two horses. Dont know breed either.
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Old 5th Aug 05, 04:01 AM
adams adams is offline
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Have 2 cats, both about 1 1/2 years old. One is a tuxedo cat (mostly black with a white chest and white feet), named Buttons and the other one is a silver/gray cat, named Smokey.

Smokey, is a loving cat to me that never gets mad at me. He loves to lick, dunno what that is all about. He is fixed.

Buttons, is loving to me and also never gets mad at me. If he is on the table or somewhere he isn't supposed to be, I'll tell him to get down. Well that has never worked, he just rolls over and shows me how cute he is. He is the one that has cost the most money. He got a bladder infection, just a few months after I got him, so now both cats are on that good $40/20pound bad of food that is supposed to keep them from getting bladder infections. He was a mean kitten and would attack my feet/arms for no reason, so he got his front claws taken out and also fixed at the same time. Ever since then he has been super sweet.

Tonight they were both running around the house playing with each other.

At my mom's house, she has 1 cat that is definately mine. Her name is Butterball (when we got her she ate until she was as fat as a butterball) and she is another loving silver/gray cat that is about 14 years old. She is my favorite cat.

Then my mom has another gray cat that is about 6 years old. Her name is Tuffy (guess how she got that name). She has been mean ever since we got her, she also has her front claws taken out, but she is getting nicer as she gets older.

Then my mom also has a dog, named Rolf (after the dog on Muppet Babies). He thinks he is just a big puppy. He is 1 1/2 - 2 years old. He is supposed to be part Husky part Golden Retriever, but looks like a German Sheppard.

I'll have to post a picture of these once I get on my desktop, on the laptop right now without any pictures on it.
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Old 5th Aug 05, 04:10 AM
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Have 3 dog's here, an English Bull Terrier cross (a 6 stone monster of a dog) who's 11 years old and still going strong, a Jack Russell Terrier cross who's 12 years old and a Golden Retriever full pedigree pup who's 10 weeks old on Monday the 8th of August.

Untill recently we had around 10 Koi Carp, 10 Ghost koi Carp and arond 40 other fish of various sizes, we decided to get rid of the ond we built and convert it into a hot tub so the fish had to go

Not the best picture in the world because i took it with my moble phone but you can see the 3 dogs
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Old 6th Aug 05, 12:33 AM
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DoG, is there any room on the couch for you?

I like the hot tub idea.
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Old 6th Aug 05, 01:35 AM
roadworker roadworker is offline
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I have a 9 Year old Malinois Shepherd,somewhat like this:

Decided to buy a dog with "character" after my bastard collie and my Pyrenean mountain dog (picture of the breed were poisoned.....
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Old 6th Aug 05, 07:48 AM
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Sure i own, 4 littles cats! But only have pics of my latest one!
Check it out !!
On thoses pics, my this cat have only 3 month old, named Bazile. I didn't have any more pics of him! Now he have 1 year old!



And the last one!!

why sleep in, when i can sleep out....

Awsome, i am at my mother's house, and found pics about my others pets....
ill post them as soon i am at my home ...

Last edited by Alpine : 6th Aug 05 at 10:03 PM.
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