BetaONE will rise again!

Old 12th May 05, 02:47 PM
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Save Gel IDE for Java ! - Developer support needed!
Guys see here, as this could be something which we could all use:

Development is on hiatus (18 April 2005)

Well it's been a long time since I posted an update, I kept hoping I would find the time to get back to work on Gel but it has not happened and it is time to accept the inevitable that development is on hiatus indefinitely.

Unfortunately with my current work and family commitments I just have not been able to free up the time necessary to keep things moving forward. Additionally, my current job requires the use of a specific IDE and since I don't use Gel as much anymore my motivation for working on it is correspondingly lower.

I am actively looking for someone to take over the project as the interest still appears high. Gel is written in Delphi so it does require someone who is knowledgeable of Delphi and has Delphi 5 or later. Gel also requires a variety of commercial components such as the DevExpress toolbars, VCLZip and a few others.

The need for the commercial components makes it difficult to open source Gel since I do not believe just throwing non compiling source code on Sourceforge would lead to anything useful. Ideally, there would be someone would be willing to step forward to assume leadership of this project and move it forward, either as a closed source or open source project. I am willing to transfer my licenses of the commercial components I use to such an individual after some good faith effort on the part of said individual to show an ability to get things done.

Alternatively, if someone is interested in creating a new Java IDE in Delphi I would certainly be willing to offer parts of the Gel source code to accelerate that process.

Either way, anyone interested in taking this up is welcome to e-mail me.

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