Microsoft Beta co-ordinator, Roger Holland, has just informed current testers of Windows Update v5 that version 6 of the update service is due to hit beta soon.
The Windows Update v5 beta ended late last year and Windows Update v5 is the current release that millions of users across the world are using. In an email to testers Holland thanks v5 testers and reminds testers that "the WU v6 beta is for testing only; you should not rely on this site to maintain security updates on any operational, non-test system."
It's expected that Windows Update v6 will be capable of updating multiple Microsoft applications and not just Windows. Microsoft are currently developing Windows Update Services for enterprise customers wishing to update Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Microsoft Office XP/2003 and Exchange.
We're not sure on an exact date but the beta will open its newsgroup doors within the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned for the latest news on WUv6 here at
View: Microsoft Beta Testing Site

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