Most of you will know that pretty much any piece of software written can be used by a malicious 3rd party to either infiltrate your system or to crash it, some times they can do both. There's an interesting site on the internet that reports these flaws as they are exposed and gives them a threat rating, explains briefly what impact these flaws have on security and gives you information on patch's, if any, that have been released to fix these flaws.
The site also provides a free email bulletin each week that advises you of new flaws and of fixes for existing flaws, you would be suprised just what software can leave considerable holes in your security.
To cut to the chase the site is here:
The site is part of the USA's Homeland Security Department, so in theory should be pretty up to date

I'm actually suprised how little this site is talked about
What are you waiting for? sign up and get informed- the more you know about the flaws in the software you are using the sooner you can patch them and protect yourself