BetaONE will rise again!

Old 22nd Aug 04, 09:11 PM
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There is a huge rumor going around that not only a demo will be released on August 24th, but the game will be released....

1. On the blog linked from the site, 3 major events are listed that occured without warning and totally by suprise on August 24th.

- 8/24/1995 - MS suprise releases Windows 95
- August 24th, 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupts completely unexpected and destroys the city of Pompeii
- 8/24/1456 - the first printed Bible is completed (Guttenberg Bible)

2. the date 11/09/04 when taken apart:
11+9+4= 24

3. this is further validated on a t-shirt sold on the webshop that is linked to

4. Bungie's weird fascination with the number 7:
August 24th is 77 days from November 9th

5. Quotes on such as: "We're not ready, he is...."

6. Bungie's webcam:

at one point, two action figures were placed in front of one of the webcam's; a master chief strangling a Terminator (BTW, the newest Terminator videogame releases on August 24th)

7. Bungie's webcam:

at one point, a can of tuna was placed on top of an 11/09/04 Halo 2 poster, with the message "What does this mean?" - anyone heard of Bumblebee Tuna?

8. Bungie's webcam:

over Saturday and Sunday, the folks at Bungie have been having huge LAN Halo 2 tournaments. An interesting thing about this is that the TVs playing Halo 2 do not have a beta build # at the bottom.... Oh, and why are they having tournaments if they are so busy again?

9. Bungie's weekly updates:

over the past few weeks, the Halo2 weekly updates have been nearly all similar: "this is finished", "this is near perfect" etc etc....most of the major work is finished and they've been tweaking

Add this to the fact that Bungie has stated in the past that the game would be "done when it was ready". They also can be quoted as saying about a year ago that the game was 95% ready....

10. Bungie and MS's "no comment" stance...

A year ago, when rumors were flying that Halo 2 would be coming out on the anniversary of the XBOX launch (November 15th, 2003), Bungie and MS within days quickly stated that the rumor was false...

Both at this time have taken a "no comment" stance...
This is strange considering their advertising on 11.09.04...
If this was indeed the release date, why would they continue to let rumors fly about it coming out earlier when they have spent millions advertising it???

Think about it. This makes a lot of sense. If Halo 2 is released near CHristmas, a lot of games are not going to be purchased for the XBOX. It will dominate nearly every other game, and a lot of great games will not be bought.

With MS doing this, they can sell all of these copies of Halo 2, and give a few months for Christmas to come, when other videogames can stock up on sales...

There's this simple sense of MS's financial desires, and well, then there's all that I've just written....

So, enjoy, and think! Halo 2 suprise release on August 24th??? It's not only a possibility, it might be likely....

The money that Bungie is spending to host this site, do all that they are doing is just unreal for a demo release.....

This post has been edited by jesusphreak on Aug 2 2004, 01:02 AM

All info was take from

What does B1 think?
Old 23rd Aug 04, 01:29 AM
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It's a screwed up world and is a screwed up site!
Obscure publicity stunt thats going to end on the 24th when the new "Beeline Tuna" brand is released?


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