My ISP uses some sort of spam filtering software and unfortunately there is no way to disable it. They use something called SpamAssasin and Bogofilter. About 50% of my legitimate emails get "[SPAM]" appended to the beginning of the subject of their email. When replying, I need to manually edit that out in the subject, and the quoted original email.
Is there a program or addin to Outlook Express or Outlook 2003 that can be used to edit the subject of an email automatically, either before it gets to your email program or after it gets downloaded? I know it is possible, because I've seen programs that run client side that will add [SPAM] or other strings to an email subject.
My other question... is there any other reliable mailing list software available to run on Windows, other than Arrow? I've tried this program, and the interface isn't very good. I know other solutions exist, but they are primarily for Linux; majordomo, mailman, etc..
Any help or suggestions? Thanks...