People new to the Mac and existing users alike will be wowed by many of the reportedly 300 new features built into Apple’s latest update to its OS X operating system, Leopard. These include a no-brainer backup system, a screen utility that turns a single Mac screen into virtually several screens at once, and improvements to the iChat video chat program that makes it easy to share pictures or a PowerPoint presentation with a friend or coworker in another office or in another country as if you were sitting right next to each other. But like any OS that gets an update, Leopard is not without a few glitches, albeit mostly minor ones.
The changes existing users will notice first include the semi-transparent menu at the top of the screen and the glass-like Dock — the floating band of icons used to launch applications. The menu is both nice and not-so-nice, depending on how you look at it; a dark desktop picture makes the menu hard to see, while a bright desktop picture lightens it up. An option to adjust or turn off transparency altogether would be nice.

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