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Old 17th May 07, 10:03 PM
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Microsoft: Vista is last version of Windows for 32-bit
It's the end of the line for 32-bit operating systems, Microsoft has proclaimed at its annual Windows Hardware Engineering conference

After the software giant has gotten over its hangover from partying like it's 1999 with the release of Windows Server 2008, it will have one last 32-bit hurrah with a "release 2" update to Windows Server 2008, and that'll be it.

There will be no more versions of Windows -- on desktop or server -- that will work on 32-bit CPUs like Pentium 4 or Core Duo (first-gen MacBook owners, take note, Windows Vista will be the last version of Windows installable on your machine.)

The company's general manager for Windows Server platform, Bill Laing, confirmed that "Windows Server 2008 is the last 32-bit operating system (for desktops and servers) that we'll produce".

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